Radon Spa

Information about Spa Jáchymov

The company „Léčebné lázně Jáchymov, a.s. ”, has been existing for over 18 years now. It is just a fraction of time compared to the century old tradition of the spa in general and to several centuries of human knowledge of the radon waters’ healing effect. 

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The main importance of the spa Jáchymov


Spa Jáchymov is a tradition

The Jáchymov Spa has existed since 1992. It is only a fraction of the time compared to the almost hundred-year history of the spa in Jáchymov and against several centuries during which the curative effect of radon water on the human body is known. A modern tradition for Spa Jáchymov is the medical concept of spa care combined with excellent catering and first class accommodation services. Such a tradition obliges. We believe that by winning the prestigious award "Spa Company of the Year 2008 and 2012" we have succeeded in continuing this tradition.

Jáchymov Spa stands for people

The personnel of our company amounts to over 600 employees of the medical field as well as of other professions. Regarding the special education and human qualities our physicians are the cream of the crop. In the source of the radon water, the Svornost mine, we employ even twenty miners.

By our joint forces we aim to create a pleasant atmosphere in our spa for those, who are the most important part of this living organism - for our clients. Every year over 20,000 spa guests come to visit Jáchymov spa and they spend here 17 days in average. We appreciate their interest and do our best to offer high quality of service.

Jáchymov Spa is an innovation

Our professional examination methods and balneological procedures change flexibly with each advance and new knowledge of medical science. Modernizing in our concept also means giving a new face to our beautiful buildings and using modern methods of managing the spa business. Prestigious certifications are an indisputable appreciation of our quality and our work effort.

Jáchymov Spa stands for health

The goal for every company should be a satisfied client. And we add - a healthier client. Just as the empirical scientific studies confirm substantiated healing effect of the radon water also our questionnaires regularly declare the improvement of our clients’ health.

Jáchymov Spa stands for uniqueness

Most of our clients pay repeated visits to our spa. It is not unsual when clients return twenty or even thirty-times; a record holds a client, who visited Jáchymov fifty-times. This allows us to say that that we know our clients perfectly and they know us. Let’s get acquainted and we believe you will become one of our repeated clients, too. 



Radon Spa Jáchymov  was awarded the Czech Stability Award within the CZECH TOP 100 rating and ranked among the most stable companies in the Czech Republic.

What do we treat in Spa Jáchymov?

What do we treat with?

History of the Spa Jáchymov

More information about Spa Jáchymov