Therapeutic procedures

Overview of provided medical procedures in individual spa houses and prices of services.

Prices are subject to change.
The fee for changing the timed procedure is  200 CZK


Rehabilitation and reflexotherapy

Overview and price list of rehabilitation procedures

Name of the procedure Prescription Category Radium Palace Běhounek Agricola Duration Price
Individual therapeutic gymnastics Yes Large

15 min. 590 CZK
Group therapeutic gymnastics in the pool Yes Small 20 min. 260 CZK
Individual therapeutic gymnastics in the pool Yes Large 20 min. 590 CZK
Reflex and ligament massage Yes Large 15 min. 710 CZK
Soft tissue techniques Yes Large 15 min. 710 CZK


Physical therapy

Overview and price list of physical procedures

Procedure Prescription Category Radium Palace Běhounek Duration Price
Diadynamik YES Small max 10 min.* 250 CZK
Interferenční proudy YES Small 10 min. 250 CZK
Träbertovy proudy YES Small 10 min. 250 CZK
Dráždivé proudy YES Small max. 10 min.* 250 CZK
Magnetotherapy YES Small 20 min. 360 CZK
Diatermie krátkovlná YES Small 15 min. 290 CZK
Ultrasound treatment / oil YES Small max. 10 min.* 280 CZK
Ultrasound treatment / water YES Small max. 10 min.* 250 CZK
Vacuum compression therapy YES Small 30 min. 470 CZK
Laser - Local Application / Probe YES Small max. 5 min.* 320 CZK
Laser - application to a larger area / scanner YES Small max. 10 min.* 360 CZK
Laser - application to a larger area / shower YES Small max. 5 min.* 400 CZK
Bioproton lamp NO Small max. 10 min.* 180 CZK
Conduction cryotherapy / sachet YES Small 10 min. 170 CZK
Cryotherapy by convention / device YES Small 5 min. 320 CZK

* * length of the procedure according to the doctor's prescription


Hydrotherapeutic procedures

Overview and price list of procedures using non-radon water sources

Procedure Prescription Category Radium Palace Běhounek Agricola Duration Price
Bubble bath NO Large 15 min. 420 CZK
Bubble bath with wrap NO Large 10+10 min.* 450 CZK
Bubble bath with additive NO Large 15 min. 510 CZK
Bubble bath with additive with wrap NO Large 10+10 min.* 530 CZK
Additive bath with wrap NO Large 20+10 min.* 530 CZK
Carbon dioxide bath with wrap NO Large 20+10 min.* 650 CZK
Carbon dioxide salt fatan bath with wrap NO Large 20+10 min.* 710 CZK
Carbon dioxide bath with peat extract NO Large 20+10 min.* 710 CZK
Hydroxeur NO Large 15 min. 420 CZK
Whirlpool hand bath NO Small 10 min. 280 CZK
Whirlpool foot bath NO Small 10 min. 300 CZK
Scottish spritzer YES Large 5 - 7 min.** 380 CZK

* dry wrap after bath
** length of the procedure according to the height of the figure



Overview and price list of therapeutic massages


Types of massages

Category Radium Palace Běhounek Agricola Duration Price
Classic massage - partial Large 15 min. 590 CZK
Classic massage - full body 45 min. 890 CZK
Reflexology foot massage + small whirlpool foot bath 30+10 min. 780 CZK
Underwater massage (manual) Large 10 min. 550 CZK
Manual lymphatic drainage Large 60 min. 1030 CZK
Lymphatic drainage - instrumental Small 30-40 min.* 580 CZK
Instrumental multimassage Small 15 min. 280 CZK
Velus Jet - dry massage bath Small 15 min. 300 CZK

* according to the device program



Overview and price list of thermo-therapeutic procedures

Procedure Category Radium palace Běhounek Agricola Duration Price
Paraffin hand wrap Small

20 min. 360 CZK
Paraffin back wrap

20 min. 580 CZK
Solux (infrared) Small

max. 15 min. 120 CZK


Other therapies

Overview and price list of other procedures

Procedure Prescription Category Radium Palace Běhounek Agricola Duration Price
Dry carbon dioxide bath - gaseous Large 30 min. 430 CZK
Oxygen therapy Small 60 min. 220 CZK
Oxygen therapy 120 min. 430 CZK
Oxygen therapy (60 min.) - 10 procedures Package** 60 min. 1 940 CZK
Oxygenoterapie (120 min.) - 10 procedures Package** 120 min. 3 020 CZK
Individual aerosol inhalation 10 min. 190 CZK
Gas injections (1 application) YES Small 400 CZK
Acupuncture (doctor) - 1st session YES 20 - 30 min.* 650 CZK
Acupuncture (doctor) - each subsequent session YES 20 - 30 min.* 520 CZK
Auriculotherapy (doctor) - 1st session YES 10 - 20 min.* 520 CZK
Auriculotherapy (doctor) - every other session YES 10 - 20 min.* 390 CZK
Salt cave - 1 session 45 min. 140 CZK
Salt cave - 10 sessions pass Season pass*** 45 min. 1150 CZK

* Duration of the procedure according to the diagnosis
** Package of procedures
***Season ticket (limited in time)


Other procedures

Overview and price list of other procedures


Procedure Type Duration Price
Nordic walking with an instructor 1 group lesson 45 min. 150 CZK
Pilates 1 group lesson 60 min. 150 CZK
Yoga 1 group lesson 75 min. 150 CZK
Physical activities for health (Nordic walking, yoga, pilates) 10 lessons of your choice 45 - 75 min. 1300 CZK
Aquafitness 1 lesson 60 min. 150 CZK
Aquafitness pass 10 lessons 60 min. 1300 CZK


Medical procedures

Physician procedures (at the request of the patient)

Radium Palace Běhounek Duration Price
Examination by a doctor 30 min. 1020 CZK
Consultation with a doctor 25 min. 400 CZK
Injection 250 CZK
Administrative tasks 160 CZK
Doctor's visit in the room 700 CZK

Nurse procedures

Nurse procedures Prescription Radium Palace Běhounek Price
Blood sampling YES 250 CZK
Bandage YES 180 CZK
Injection YES 240 CZK
Treatment and dressing 250 CZK
Measurement of BP, pulse, body temperature 80 CZK
Glucometer glycaemia monitoring 80 CZK

The prices of spa and wellness treatments are valid for individually purchased procedures for the stay program.

Telephone orders of over-the-counter procedures (without the need for a doctor's prescription):

Hotel Telephone number Direct hotel line
Radium Palace +420 353 835 600 5600
Běhounek +420 353 831 267 1267
Komplex Currie +420 353 831 628 1628
Agricola Spa Centre +420 353 836 000 6000

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